Friday, January 29, 2010

Youtube Channel has videos!

Well it's about time right?

So go check it out and subscribe!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Long Time No Post

Well I haven't posted in forever. I just got lazy, plus exams were coming up.

Well here is a little update.

I have been topping at Trilogy every week since my last post. Except for the last 2 weeks, where I bombed. Thus I have been playing random fun decks these past weeks. Play some VayuZombieSworn and Absolute Heroes. Also trying some other decks as well. Plus recently after I had won the Pegasus League at Myth Games, I received my seven Turbo Packs. In those seven, I pulled another Ultimate JD and a Doomcaliber Knight. I was happy to say the least. Well I will give you guys some updates soon.