Saturday, December 19, 2009

Saturaday Tourney Report

2nd last trilogy Saturday tournament of the year. Nothing really happened before the tournament. So I will skip ahead to the beginning of the tourney.

P.S. Most of my matches were really really boring and I guess I didn't want to remember them in great detail, so my report will reflect that.

Match 1
Brandon- Mirror Match (Necro Gardna Control)
Game 1
Wow was this a slow game. Found out he was playing almost the same thing as me, dayme. I am not really sure how it was played out, but he ended up winning. I also remember him taking my Plague with his doomkasier
Game 2
I poked him down to around 900 lp left. Than Pascal called time. He stalled me out till my last turn. I top decked Caius, and remove his reaper for game.
Since it was time, we decided it was a tie.

Match 2
Brandon- Again (Gardna Control)
Game 1
We didn't like playing each other again. He just pushed really hard for game because he didn't want it to be slow.
Game 2
Stalled a lot and Pascal called time, this time I had no way of winning so I scooped.
Bad start to the day, I was pretty sure I wasn't topping.

Match 3
Dil - Chaos
Game 1
Still had some left over anger and somehow pulled off some godly plays in one turn. My hand was crap at the beginning btw.
Game 2
Actually got to see the Chaos part of his deck. Although it did lack the needed synergy to beat me. He misplayed often too.

Match 4
Omid- Gladwings (wait wut?) Awesome name too
Game 1
I thought it was just Blackwings when he pull off his Shura and Black Whirlwind combo. Than after I got rid of those threats, I see him summon Laquari. Damn man, is everyone net decking me? Beat him quick before he could Chariot lock me.
Game 2
Much like game 1, I swarmed and he had to massivley minus himself to survive. Although I still won.
After the game, I gave him some advice on Gladwings and how and what should be ran in it.

Match 5
Max Wetland Frogs
Game 1
He got out his wetlands with 2 Submarine frogs and a unifrog. It was looking bad, but I mirror forced and apparently he had no way of coming back from such a great loss.
Game 2
Fast game because I had a god hand. Otked and felt kinda bad because he had only one monster set.

Time to listen for top 8, they go trough the list. They were on the last names and I thought I didn't make it. Till they called my name, woot tiebreakers ftw.

Top 8
Gerald- Chaos
Match 1
After he dropped his Gorz, I didn't have any answers. He kept poking me. Till he brain controlled my spirit reaper and I attacked for game.
Game 2
He had 3 Kycoos in his starting hand, plus 1 Thunder King. Nothing I could have done. Thus I eventually loss.

Gerald beat me again and he again went and won the tourney. His record entering top 8 was 3-2. Props to you Gerald.

Today was a pretty good day in all. The morning was slow, but eventually it got better as the day passed. I pulled a Victoria in my SOVR pack that I received for being top 8. I later traded it for an Honest. Also got a lot of cards for my Fish Otk. Hope tomorrow goes the same way it did for me as it did last week.

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