Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sunday Tourney Report

Today started off much like it did yesterday. When I arrived at myth, no one was there, but like trilogy everyone started to show up right before the tourney began. Today was our first Pegasus League at myth. It was the format where we had to use at least 4 of each water, wind, fire and earth attribute monsters. My deck was kinda like a SynchroMonarch.

Match 1
Shahid -Gladiator Beast (Probably the best choice for this format)
Game 1
Don't recall much from this round, but he drew bad. Eventually won by spinning and so on.
Game 2
Drew all my GB hate cards (I didn't side, those cards were mained). All his set monsters didn't stay on the field for very long. I won after I synchroed for Stardust and he couldn't do anything about it.

Match 2
Some guy whose name started with a E I think. (Six Samurai)
Game 1
Again my memory of this match isn't so great. I remember drawing bad and he just kept poking me and I eventually lost
Game 2
Won pretty fast, I think I kept spinning his monsters with my Raiza.
Game 3
Slow, but it was basically game 2. He exhausted his resources to fast and fell into my mirror force and torrentials.

Match 3
Another guy- plants
Game 1
He apparently draws pretty bad. I just poke him to death.
Game 2
This game was totally out of my control. He had his supervis combo going. I couldn't keep a monster on the field for a long period of time.
Game 3
I pulled out Thought Ruler out early because I didn't want him using Mark of the Rose. I eventually had an enormous amount of LPs. Eventually I also pulled out Colossal Fighter. Next turn I used Trap Dustshoot and saw a Mark of the Rose in hand. He Mark of the Rosed my Colossal, dammit. He pushed for tons of damage and was able to get out Gigaplant in which he got Tytannial. Until I could dropped my Gorz. On my turn I destroyed most of his monsters. Than he gets back my Colossal and kills my token and Gorz. Next turn I attack and tribute my Colossal for Raiza. I won next turn. Thank you Thought Ruler for amazing life gain.

Match 4
Dylan- Another Gb deck
Game 1
He couldn't pull much off. So I spun most of his monsters. Than suddenly he gains advantage and overwhelms the field, thus I lose.
Game 2
He draws terrible. I just attack and attack. He wasn't able to draw any Wobukus t save his week sauce monsters.
Game 3
Spin Spin Spin. Had answers to all his plays. I don't think he drew more than 7 of the same cards.

Match 5
Albert- Gemini Stun
Game 1
God handed. Synchroed relatively fast and was able to stop his major pushes.
Game 2
A repeat of game 2 basically, but he was able to keep his D-Fissure out for a longer time. Which led to a slower paced game.

Top 2
Alan (I think) Supervis Plants
Game 1
Used my double spy and deep sea diva combo. Synchroed into a huge field and he had no way of stopping it.
Game 2
Lost because I had none of my big beaters. He also got off his Supervis combo. Nothing I could really do.
Game 3
I now knew my strategy. I was able to bounce most his monsters, before he had big pushes with them. When I had my chance, I made a big push for game. If he had Gorz, I surely would had been screwed. I used up all my resources to pull this move. And it worked in my benefit.

Woot Woot I won the tournament and was undefeated. This deck was so much better than I had thought it to be. I play tested this deck against my zombies and it got wrecked. So I assumed it would be the same at the tournament, but it surpassed my expectations.

Than it was time for my Turbo Pack. I went up as normal and told everyone to grab their packs. I grab the center one. Everyone opened theirs. I was jokingly asking for a Judgment Dragon. I see my card from the pack and at first I thought I was out of luck. Than at a second look, it turns out to be JD. WOOT. I was happy for the rest of the day. It has been a great 2 days this week.

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