Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Gauntlet

Well this idea of the gauntlet has recently come up. It seems like more and more people wish to go through this gauntlet. I will explain what the gauntlet is.

Well as some of you may know, I am part of Team Metronome
We started off with 4 members, it was me, Victor, Albert and Nathan. We have since expanded the group to contain people like Steve, Marlon and Mark. Now I can explain what this mysterious gauntlet is.

There are prerequisites to join our team. To become a junior member, you must beat 4 member of the team (you may choose who to face). And you must beat them all without losing a match. If you do, you would have to start over. Than there is our normal members, it is exactly the same as junior members, but you we get to choose who you face and what the order is. Thus this is known as the gauntlet. They are aloud to side, though the team is still debating on whether we are aloud to side.

I know this sounds ridiculous, but who cares. It makes the entry into our team just a little bit harder. Steve, Marlon and Mark have became honorary members because they have proved on multiple occasions that they can beat all of us in the gauntlet.

Apparently there is elite members or something. I have no clue what that is about. Nathan was talking about it one day. I am apparently one of these members.

I have come to realize that no one really wants to face me in the gauntlet and sigh in agony when they have to play me. I have no clue why not. I am not that good, I misplay constantly. It just make sense that people would want to face me. People have told me that I have a fairly consistent way of playing and when I play seriously and not casually, I can crush my opponent. That was all new news to me. Maybe it is true, maybe I just focus on what I do wrong and not what I do correctly, but I don't think so.

And so recently more and more people have been asking to go through the gauntlet. Mostly as junior members. They haven't been having much success. They often fret after beating one of the members. So it results in major misplays in their next match. The junior members have yet to realize that they can make the hardest members first, so it gets easier as it progresses and thus have a smaller chance of losing future matches.

I personally feel they should receive something more than just being able to join the team. But again, its up for debate if we should include anything extra.

The Gauntlet might be ridiculously hard (or easy if you are just that good), but it allows people who join, have a sense for how each team member plays. It also allows for the person to have a feel for the current meta if they don't already know (The team includes all decks that are in the current top meta). It also allows the person cope under pressure. Thus it allows for better players later on.


  1. This is a very interesting concept! Hopefully you will be able to get more members. =]
    Hopefully, most of your teamates will get through next regionals.
    By the way... Go easy on the juniors. =P
