Friday, November 27, 2009

Junk and Debris Zombies

Short post today.

Well I was looking up some old cards in my collection and realized how junk and debris in zombies could be a very great combination. I know I am not the one who came up with this idea originally, but I don't see anyone showing this Junk and Debris version any love.

How it works is that you could use Beast of the Pharaoh and Debris Dragon to spam Synchros. Than using Beast of the Pharaoh to summon another Zombie monster from grave. And if you bring back Zombie Master, than you can pull of even more Synchros.

But I do realize the problem with Junk and Debris. One is that no hand advantage is ever associated with this deck. And second, the Junk part. I can't find enough viable targets for Junk Synchron, besides Dandylion and Des Lacoodas. Though Ryko has recently come up as a target, plus it's ability to mill.

I will try to be building an efficient version of this deck. Stay tuned!

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