Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Turbo Pack 2

The first ultra has been revealed woot. Long time coming too.

The ultra is..... Chaos Sorcerer

Click on link to see picture

I have to say that it looks quite nice.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Saturaday Tourney Report and last week Tourney summary

So I got lazy and forgot to give a report on last Sunday's Pegasus league tournament. To summarize that day, it was pretty good and I ended up getting second to a beat down deck.

So on to today. It was boxing day today and I woke up early to go buy some electronics with my Dad. Later I went with Skyler to Trilogy. They had a huge sale as well, but I didn't bother buying anything. I was playing Lazaro's Zombie deck today.

Match 1
Jordan -Lightsworn
Game 1
Knowing he just built it, I took the advantage. He didn't run the normal lightsworn cards and he only had 1 honest and 1 JD. He did some damage, but my swarming took control.
Game 2
Same as game 1, but a lot faster.

Match 2
Cody - Light Zombies
Game 1
I played like it was a casual game. Made some bad plays, but I didn't really care. I did lose to his honest though, which I wasn't expecting.
Game 2
Sided in Unity and Yu-Jo Friendship and he sided Dark Rabbit and Spark man. It was a fun duel, but I came out with the victory. I was so close to pulling off the handshake.
Game 3
I swarm and lost to his Lightning Vortex. I had Yu-Jo Friendship, but was about to use it next turn than he goes and wins.

Match 3
Skyler- Synchro Cat
Game 1
He had a pretty decent start. Although he did over extend. Causing him to lose his advantage after I Lightning Vortexed and Heavy Stormed. He had to resort to top decking, but it was no use.
Game 2
Much like game 1, but I started getting rid of his searchers early with Caius and Revived King.

Match 4
Dylan - Lightsworn
Game 1
He kept attacking and attacking, I didn't have an answer at all. Than I started to see how thin his deck was. I started to stall. I had 900 LP left and he had a full 8000. I went on to win.
Game 2
A lot like first match, but this time he didn't mill as fast. Thus letting him win before I could set up.
Game 3
Sided Yu-Jo Friendship and Unity again. Didn't draw either of them. The match started off slow, with him setting a lot. I just kept removing his monsters. Nothing he could do. I later found out that his hand consisted of 1 Celestia, 2 Wulfs and 2 Necro Garndas.

Later I played some fun matches against his crystal beast and damn are those things bad ass.

Top 8
Codi - Light Zombies
Game 1
I'm not sure of how this game went, but I ended up winning really fast.
Game 2
He wouldn't let me side Yu-Jo Friendship and Unity because the last game went so fast. The game itself was going great, than he plays Skill drain on my DAD. He just Lightning Vortexes and starts poking me.
Game 3
I drew decent, but he misplays. He copies some of my moves and I eventually use that to my advantage. I poked and poked him. Than eventually he got out oppression. I get him down so that he couldn't use oppression's effect anymore. I than was able to get rid of his only monster and pushed for game.

Top 4
Arzen- Blackwings
Game 1
He drew terrible and I tried to make big pushes before he drew any key cards
Game 2
I am not sure what went on in this game. He did end up winning though.
Game 3
He got me down to very low LPs. He got rid of all my outs and I was left with no protection. So I ended up losing.

It was a good day and it was my 3rd week in a row that I topped at trilogy. I came in 3rd today since Arzen won the tourney. Got some packs from my store credit and pulled nothing. Not much trading today, but today was still fun.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Saturaday Tourney Report

2nd last trilogy Saturday tournament of the year. Nothing really happened before the tournament. So I will skip ahead to the beginning of the tourney.

P.S. Most of my matches were really really boring and I guess I didn't want to remember them in great detail, so my report will reflect that.

Match 1
Brandon- Mirror Match (Necro Gardna Control)
Game 1
Wow was this a slow game. Found out he was playing almost the same thing as me, dayme. I am not really sure how it was played out, but he ended up winning. I also remember him taking my Plague with his doomkasier
Game 2
I poked him down to around 900 lp left. Than Pascal called time. He stalled me out till my last turn. I top decked Caius, and remove his reaper for game.
Since it was time, we decided it was a tie.

Match 2
Brandon- Again (Gardna Control)
Game 1
We didn't like playing each other again. He just pushed really hard for game because he didn't want it to be slow.
Game 2
Stalled a lot and Pascal called time, this time I had no way of winning so I scooped.
Bad start to the day, I was pretty sure I wasn't topping.

Match 3
Dil - Chaos
Game 1
Still had some left over anger and somehow pulled off some godly plays in one turn. My hand was crap at the beginning btw.
Game 2
Actually got to see the Chaos part of his deck. Although it did lack the needed synergy to beat me. He misplayed often too.

Match 4
Omid- Gladwings (wait wut?) Awesome name too
Game 1
I thought it was just Blackwings when he pull off his Shura and Black Whirlwind combo. Than after I got rid of those threats, I see him summon Laquari. Damn man, is everyone net decking me? Beat him quick before he could Chariot lock me.
Game 2
Much like game 1, I swarmed and he had to massivley minus himself to survive. Although I still won.
After the game, I gave him some advice on Gladwings and how and what should be ran in it.

Match 5
Max Wetland Frogs
Game 1
He got out his wetlands with 2 Submarine frogs and a unifrog. It was looking bad, but I mirror forced and apparently he had no way of coming back from such a great loss.
Game 2
Fast game because I had a god hand. Otked and felt kinda bad because he had only one monster set.

Time to listen for top 8, they go trough the list. They were on the last names and I thought I didn't make it. Till they called my name, woot tiebreakers ftw.

Top 8
Gerald- Chaos
Match 1
After he dropped his Gorz, I didn't have any answers. He kept poking me. Till he brain controlled my spirit reaper and I attacked for game.
Game 2
He had 3 Kycoos in his starting hand, plus 1 Thunder King. Nothing I could have done. Thus I eventually loss.

Gerald beat me again and he again went and won the tourney. His record entering top 8 was 3-2. Props to you Gerald.

Today was a pretty good day in all. The morning was slow, but eventually it got better as the day passed. I pulled a Victoria in my SOVR pack that I received for being top 8. I later traded it for an Honest. Also got a lot of cards for my Fish Otk. Hope tomorrow goes the same way it did for me as it did last week.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sunday Tourney Report

Today started off much like it did yesterday. When I arrived at myth, no one was there, but like trilogy everyone started to show up right before the tourney began. Today was our first Pegasus League at myth. It was the format where we had to use at least 4 of each water, wind, fire and earth attribute monsters. My deck was kinda like a SynchroMonarch.

Match 1
Shahid -Gladiator Beast (Probably the best choice for this format)
Game 1
Don't recall much from this round, but he drew bad. Eventually won by spinning and so on.
Game 2
Drew all my GB hate cards (I didn't side, those cards were mained). All his set monsters didn't stay on the field for very long. I won after I synchroed for Stardust and he couldn't do anything about it.

Match 2
Some guy whose name started with a E I think. (Six Samurai)
Game 1
Again my memory of this match isn't so great. I remember drawing bad and he just kept poking me and I eventually lost
Game 2
Won pretty fast, I think I kept spinning his monsters with my Raiza.
Game 3
Slow, but it was basically game 2. He exhausted his resources to fast and fell into my mirror force and torrentials.

Match 3
Another guy- plants
Game 1
He apparently draws pretty bad. I just poke him to death.
Game 2
This game was totally out of my control. He had his supervis combo going. I couldn't keep a monster on the field for a long period of time.
Game 3
I pulled out Thought Ruler out early because I didn't want him using Mark of the Rose. I eventually had an enormous amount of LPs. Eventually I also pulled out Colossal Fighter. Next turn I used Trap Dustshoot and saw a Mark of the Rose in hand. He Mark of the Rosed my Colossal, dammit. He pushed for tons of damage and was able to get out Gigaplant in which he got Tytannial. Until I could dropped my Gorz. On my turn I destroyed most of his monsters. Than he gets back my Colossal and kills my token and Gorz. Next turn I attack and tribute my Colossal for Raiza. I won next turn. Thank you Thought Ruler for amazing life gain.

Match 4
Dylan- Another Gb deck
Game 1
He couldn't pull much off. So I spun most of his monsters. Than suddenly he gains advantage and overwhelms the field, thus I lose.
Game 2
He draws terrible. I just attack and attack. He wasn't able to draw any Wobukus t save his week sauce monsters.
Game 3
Spin Spin Spin. Had answers to all his plays. I don't think he drew more than 7 of the same cards.

Match 5
Albert- Gemini Stun
Game 1
God handed. Synchroed relatively fast and was able to stop his major pushes.
Game 2
A repeat of game 2 basically, but he was able to keep his D-Fissure out for a longer time. Which led to a slower paced game.

Top 2
Alan (I think) Supervis Plants
Game 1
Used my double spy and deep sea diva combo. Synchroed into a huge field and he had no way of stopping it.
Game 2
Lost because I had none of my big beaters. He also got off his Supervis combo. Nothing I could really do.
Game 3
I now knew my strategy. I was able to bounce most his monsters, before he had big pushes with them. When I had my chance, I made a big push for game. If he had Gorz, I surely would had been screwed. I used up all my resources to pull this move. And it worked in my benefit.

Woot Woot I won the tournament and was undefeated. This deck was so much better than I had thought it to be. I play tested this deck against my zombies and it got wrecked. So I assumed it would be the same at the tournament, but it surpassed my expectations.

Than it was time for my Turbo Pack. I went up as normal and told everyone to grab their packs. I grab the center one. Everyone opened theirs. I was jokingly asking for a Judgment Dragon. I see my card from the pack and at first I thought I was out of luck. Than at a second look, it turns out to be JD. WOOT. I was happy for the rest of the day. It has been a great 2 days this week.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Saturaday Tourney Report

Another day at trilogy. I was terribly tired this morning and it was still snowing outside. When I arrived at trilogy, only 5 people were there. As it approached 11:30, the tournament started to grow. It finally ended up with around 20-25 people. Not bad for a crappy day outside. I played my necro gardna control.

Match 1
Curtis- ChargeSabers
Game 1
Figured he ran Xsabers when he played Guardestrike. He was playing my build of Xsabers, dammit. It started off slow, till he suddenly exploded. I tried to stall with gardnas, but he had such a big field presence.
Game 2
Sided and was off to a great start. Drew basically all my sides first turn. He milled and milled, but I double soul released. Eventually, I just zombie swarmed for game.
Game 3
Ahh drew so bad. All spells and 1 Caius. Apparently he didn't draw so well either. Eventually we both had a fair amount of field presence, but he dropped his Faultroll and started the combo, I scooped.
Not such a great start to the day

Match 2
Some Guy- Psychics
Game 1
I didn't even get to see his deck because I opened so godly. I swarmed with so many monsters and gamed it 2nd turn.
Game 2
I started off slow, but the guy overextended. Realizing the possible scrub in front of me, I didn't make big pushes until I got my heavy. But that got boring and decided to go for it and he had no answers. Turns out the set cards were some normal spell cards.

Match 3
Cody- Light Zombies
Game 1
Slow game. It was so ridiculously slow, that we finished this round when everyone finished their 2nd games. Really back and forth, I eventually just poked him to death.
Game 2
After realizing how slow the last game was, we decided not to side. He drew his searchers and creature swaps a lot faster than I did. And he used his Malevolent Mech to win this round.
Game 3
Very fast game oddly. Being afraid of his oppression wasn't my strong point. When I realized it wasn't, I swarmed for game.

Match 4
Curtis again -Sabersworn (I like using different names)
Round 1
I started with my usual Armaknight Caius combo. It turned out to be game winning. I also dropped DAD to finish the job.
Round 2
I was losing and only had 1000 LP left. I thought it was over, but drew. It turned out to be DAD. Epic stuff. Had 3 darks after I synchroed for Brionac. Dropped DAD and bounced monsters for game.

Match 5
James- Noleras
Game 1
He pulls off the puddle and Noleras combo early on. I had a good hand, but it was better in the graveyard. He didn't summon after he had used the combo and I saw my chance to explode. I swarmed and he couldn't do anything.
Game 2
He tries to pull off the combo, but my books stops that from happening. He tries to stall, but he eventually ran out of resources.

Top 8
Vincent- Blackwings (He is undefeated *gasp*)
Round 1
Apparently he draws very bad, reading his face wasn't hard. Played aggressively so that he couldn't pull off his swarm. I used Caius a lot to get rid of potential threats.
Round 2
Sides helped a lot. Drew my Sirrocos which baited out many of his Icaruses. When I removed his Armor Master with Caius, the game soon turned in my direction.

Top 4
Gerald- Chaos
Round 1
Scooped very fast. Drew all spells and Caius. I pretty much stalled for the enviable.
Round 2
He kept D-Prisioning me. Also lost many of my searchers to DD Warrior Lady. Game ended close though. He did win.

All in all, this turned out to be a great day. Got in top 4 and technically 3rd since Gerald won the Tourney. Got my 15 dollar store credit which I bought some much needed sleeves. Got some trades off and play tested my now completed Pegasus League deck. Hope I get this luck tomorrow.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Another small update

With the new Duelist tin coming out, we would of course be receiving a new promo card. But never would I have thought it would be Starlight Road. Dayme KDE has some balls.

This card is super in it's own right. It prevents things like Heavy Storm, Lightning Vortex, Torrential, Mirror Force and even Icarus. Plus you get a free Stardust.

This could possibly change how people play. I can see a new staple in decks now, but its seems fairly unlikely. Though it could always be a side option.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

A tiny update

Well there was no tournament today, so no report. But I have some news.

So Pegasus League is starting at myth next week. My deck has been coming along pretty well and hopefully it goes off without a hitch. Though this wasn't the news I wanted to address.

It turns out that when you synchro summon Brionac using things like Goblin Zombie or Sangan, you can't activate priority on Brionac's effect. It is because Sangan and Goblin Zombie's effect are mandatory, thus they must activate before Brionac does. Neat stuff.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

A snow day

Like I said in my other blog post, I was planning to go to Trilogy today. I woke up and was ready to go. I got my mom to give me a lift to the train station, everything was going great. Than my mother's SUV got stuck in the snow bank. I had to push it and dig it out, eventually I went on to help my neighbors too. I just got fed up with snow and decided not to go.

So I was stuck at home, bored out of my mind. Than I decided to call up Victor and see if he was going to Chinese school. Luckily, he didn't have Chinese school. So I decided to come to his house and play test my deck. We also tried to get Steve to come, which was of no use. Freaking bus stops. We play tested, setup some yvd and even shot some videos for our channel. Victor should be uploading them as I type this. I won the match which was cool, but he creamed me in a fun match after.

Well it turned out to be an okay day, too bad about trilogy, but it can't be helped. I don't know about tomorrow's situation either. I don't know about whether or not to go to myth or to stay at home. Because Victor and Albert can't go, plus there isn't a tourney tomorrow. But that yugioh crave has been in me for the longest time now. Damn you snow!

Friday, December 4, 2009


I love those days after it has just snowed, it looks so nice outside. Though I don't like it during the snow storm.

Well you might be wondering why I am speaking about snow. Well I was planning to go to Trilogy Gaming Club tomorrow to play test my new necro gardna control deck. But by the looks of the storm in this city, my plans might have changed. I won't get word on the situation till tomorrow morning. I hope I can go and play test. Though going home won't be quite as fun. Also I hope they are not closed, or I am mighty screwed.

On a related topic, I have changed up my deck recently. I haven't seen the necessity for instant fusion. I haven't found a situation where it was optimal to take out reaper on the nightmare or musician king. My deck will be updated later, after a few play test.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Deck Boxes and Binders

Continuing on my segment about sleeves, I will now move onto more accessories. Deck boxes are vital in keeping your deck safe and organized. While a binder keeps you traders neat and tidy. Both are so important in keeping your cards safe.

I won't be reviewing any products, but I will go over some products that I am interested in.

There are so many binders out there. So many ways to organize and present those important traders. I loved my 9 pocket binder. It holds a lot of my cards and keeps them in decent shape. Though it has started to show signs of wearing down. That's why I wanted to invest into something along the lines of a monster binder. A very good product. I have heard number of good stories regarding these babies. Also I was able to feel and hold a few, they are beauties. For those of you who don't know of this product I will explain. These binders hold 360 cards and are presented in a 9 pocket arrangement. The cover is actually sown into the binder pages. It is also side loaded, allowing for a less likely hood of being stolen from. The pages are also padded to add double the protection. Though the covers don't look appealing through internet pictures, but when held close, these little bad boys are beauties. And right now the binders are on sale for 29.99 USD each, which average price is 49.99 USD. It might be a little expensive, but it is well worth getting to protect your investments. The other binders I am interested in, are the new regional binders and the new YGO TCG binders. There is news that the regionals binder are also side loaded and have padded sleeves. Though I yet to receive and word on the TCG binders.

Deck boxes come in a variety of designs, sizes, colors and durability. I have been using my Max Protection deck boxes for a long time now and I must say, they are holding up quite well. I like most of Max Protection deck boxes. Though now that I have access to these deck boxes, I would wish to try others. I want to try the monster binder deck boxes. Have no clue if they are like their binders (can you say padded deck box ftw?). I also would like to try the magic deck boxes. I am talking about the ones that can hold over sized lands. I would like to have a lot of room in my deck boxes so that I can store more than one deck at one time. Plus I want to store my extra deck and side for both decks, but I know I am getting to greedy. And if I was really going to be greedy, I would like a calculator that could fit into one of my deck boxes.

I might make another product type of segment in the near future, but it is veering off topic. Though who cares? xD

Monday, November 30, 2009


One of my many useless post.

Well now that I have gotten some new Player's Choice Sleeves (which are heaven), I have been thinking a lot about sleeves. I think of everything, from double sleeving to how tightly the sleeves fit the cards.

In my experience, the sleeves the most tightly fit the cards are Player's Choice. I have seen KMC, Ultra Pro and sadly those bad Max Protection sleeves. Player's Choice and KMC are almost identical and you can only notice the differences by looking up close. Ultra Pro is only slightly wider; allowing you to easily sleeve and unsleeve your cards. Though when I was goofing around, I found out that I can double sleeve my Player's Choice sleeves with my YGO size Ultra Pro sleeves. Max Protection sleeves are the widest of the pack. They almost look like magic sleeves.

Now durability, I have heard many great things about KMC and Player's Choice, but it hasn't been long enough to truly identify if they can handle the stress of shuffling. Ultra Pro has the longest durability that I have seen. These things are tanks. On the other hand, Max Protection sleeves start pealing with only a couple of riffle shuffles.

"Slickness" of each of these sleeves are usually a preference. Ultra Pro has textured imprints on the back for easy handling. KMC and
Player's Choice are very very slick. They are both fun to handle; what I mean is that I love to use these babies to fan out my cards. Than comes Max Protection sleeves. When they come out of the package, they are between Ultra Pro and Player's Choice in slickness. But after some aggressive usage, the sleeves turn to ass. When they start peeling, they tend to feel very awkward in hand. And in just gets worse.

Color selection. All the sleeves have a wide variety of colors; from purple to gold. The Ultra Pros are usually made of the matte color spectrum. While KMC and Ultra Pro are the more vibrant and neonish kind of colors. Max Protection has very few solid color sleeves, but they have the greatest variety of sleeves that contain artwork. Some artwork are solid and are very appealing to the eye. While others give you the sense of "WTF?"

Double sleeving is a very good way of keeping your sleeves and cards safe. Do you have a nice Max Protection artwork that you want to display? Double sleeve it with some clear Ultra Pro sleeves. So now your Max Protection won't start peeling, you can display the fine artwork and your cards are safe. There are people who triple, quadruple, quintuple, sextuple, septuple and even nontuple sleeve their decks. As you can imagine, this makes your cards huge and often the person has to add in another card to support the sleeves. People can go great distances to protect their cards. Laminating is the way of the future xD. Also I wonder how hard it is to shuffle one of those nontuple sleeved decks.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday Tourney Report

Well started the day off kinda tired, partied the day before well past midnight. Came into the store seeing no one around. Did some minor trading for some sleeves (which are the best ever, love you player's choice sleeves). Eventually after not being able to wait for Victor and Albert anymore, we started. As we started, 4 guys came in, than Victor and Albert. They all entered the tournament. Than 2 more came in after that. Thus we went from a 7 people tourney to a 15 people massacre.

Match 1
John- Blackwings
Game 1
Went by fast. He misplays and doesn't heavy first turn. I take advantage and bottomless his Sirroco. Through a series of plays, I bring out enough monsters to finish him off soon.
(Thought it was an easy win, I just made an assumption, a bad one too. It goes down hill from here)
Game 2
Misplayed so hardcore. I Lightning Vortex his field. Putting 3 darks into grave. Later he drops Dad. Game followed. Sides did nothing
Game 3
Wow I misplayed again! I finally draw my side, a Sirroco. Woo. I read Icarus. I summoned Sirroco and pumped it (his field was Armed Wing, Bora, Gale, Whirlwind and obviously Icarus) I was gonna attack, but I got greedy. I summoned my gale. He Icarus them both. *facepalm* He than later drops Dad. Lost again

Match 2
Skyler- Volcanic
Match 1
He annoys me with some minuscule burning. I finish the match off quickly (can you tell I was pissed because of the last match?)
Match 2
He stalls for awhile, but leaves himself open a lot. I poke him between stalls for game.

Match 3
Dylan - Vayu Turbo (ish)
Match 1
Game 1
He dumps a lot of monster with grepher. It got way out of hand and finally he swarms me and I had no response.
Game 2
Another stupid misplay. I wasn't losing by much. He was at 4500 and I was at 3000. I had a gardna in the grave. He attacks with shura and I let it threw. *facepalm* He drops Kalut.
Another freaking misplay to Blackwings. Twice in a day.

Match 4
Jeff- Dimensional Chaos
Game 1
I kept removing his monsters with Caius. He had no reponses and soon loses.
Game 2
Tough game, he had a lot of answers. Though small pokes was what help me win. He had Dad in hand too. Don't want to lose to that bastard again.

Top 8
Woo made tiebreakers
Albert- Gaia Plate Stun
Game 1
Such a long and close game. Back and forth the game went. He had answer and so did I. I had him at 300 and I was at 1400. He creature swaps my creature. And attacks me with psychic commander for game.
Game 2
We decided not to side. Again a very back and forth game. But I poke him a lot. Leaving a far distance in life points between the both of us. He soon started drawing into his spells and traps. I followed up with poking and game followed.
Game 3
Much like game 2, I poked him excessively. Though he misplays and forgets to tribute his grand mole for a guardian when I mirror force. Though I don't think it was gonna change the outcome of the game. I just beat the 4-0 deck today, but I feel bad for him, so I hugged him a lot.

Top 4
Simon- Zombiesworn w/ Diva
Game 1
So fast, I really can't remember what happened. He finished me off quickly though.
Game 2
Misplayed and summon Kycoo, in which he torrentials. His turn he summons Dad and Kycoo. I only had one gardna. It couldn't save me.

Battle for 3rd Place
(That Guy) Gigavise
Game 1
Quickly beat him with some slow swarming (Props to those who get that)
Game 2
Wow, he pull of the super combo. Swarmed so fast. He misplays and doesn't bounce my back row with Brionac and runs into my mirror force. Next turn he does the combo again. But attacks into my reaper, yay reaper. I brain control his Brutdrago summon gale and halve his gigaplant. Bounce a lot of stuff and attack with brionac, than bounce his Brutdrago. Since he used up all of his resources before,he is left with nothing and he scoops.

The tourney was over and I go up and grab my turbo pack, to my surprise I pull nothing (actually not very surprising). Fellow teammate, Victor, pulls super Garoth for finishing in first by borrowing my Gold Sarcs. Steve later stops by and joins the fun and of course, we head to our favorite spot, Taco Bell. We talk and talk. We talk about the most randomist things, but it wasn't boring at all. All in all, it was a great day. Made top surprisingly, found out my side decking skills suck. Got new sleeves and hung out with friends.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Junk and Debris Zombies

Short post today.

Well I was looking up some old cards in my collection and realized how junk and debris in zombies could be a very great combination. I know I am not the one who came up with this idea originally, but I don't see anyone showing this Junk and Debris version any love.

How it works is that you could use Beast of the Pharaoh and Debris Dragon to spam Synchros. Than using Beast of the Pharaoh to summon another Zombie monster from grave. And if you bring back Zombie Master, than you can pull of even more Synchros.

But I do realize the problem with Junk and Debris. One is that no hand advantage is ever associated with this deck. And second, the Junk part. I can't find enough viable targets for Junk Synchron, besides Dandylion and Des Lacoodas. Though Ryko has recently come up as a target, plus it's ability to mill.

I will try to be building an efficient version of this deck. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Synchro Level

There seems to be a trend coming about. Each format has a very dominant Synchro Level, going all they way back to their release.

First during Tele-Dad era, we had the massive level 8s. Stardusts and Colossals were what you would usually see on the field. High level monsters that were also hard to take down.

Than came the DSF era. Level 7s exploded out of nowhere. Dark Strike for game was so common in everyday games. Arcanite Magician blowing up all cards deemed a threat and couldn't even be bottomlessed. Black Rose Dragon was also often spammed as seen in Debu-Hime and running into a Blackwing-Armor Master wasn't so fun either.

Now in this format, we see a ton of level 6s. Brionac being the most prominent. But we still can't forget about those level 6 zombies. Revived King Ha Des can stop gardnas and pesky searchers from working. Doom Kaiser can take your opponent's Plaguespreaders. Though there is an under looked synchro monster, Flamvell Uruquizas. It has piercing and it gains attack every time it deals battle damage. Now people who don't run blackwings have a chance at a level 6 with piercing.

I have also neglected to mention cards that have also dominated their own format, including Goyo and Catasdor. But the sheer number of people who ran the other level of synchros far out numbered these guys. (though Goyo was badass at 3)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


When I first started this game, I didn't really plan to stay in it this long. I must admit, I didn't think this game was very "cool". But now, this is my drug. I can't stop thinking about this game. It's driving me insane.

Almost everybody has something to relieve their stress. It could be sports, games and sometimes even drugs. This is one of the many things that relieve my stress. I will tell you why. If I had a bad week, like doing bad on test or lose something important, I than go to tournaments and lose myself in the matches. Sounds very lame, I know. More lame than I want it to be, but I couldn't think of anything else. Somehow dropping a Dark Armed Dragon is a very soothing thing.

I have even been using yugioh terms like broken in talk outside of the game. And when I hear words like advantage, I automatically think about yugioh.

Though lately I have stopped playing during the course of the week because I can get easily bored of this game. So I save up all my energy for the weekends, when all the tournaments happen. But I still deck build and roam Pojo and Duelistgroundz.

This game has become an addiction. I can't stop playing this game. The game can change so fast with the release of packs and the changes of the banlist. It also excites me to see new innovate plays and builds. (another lame area, but who cares).

My goal one day is to top and SJC or at least attend one. Eventually even go to nats. Worlds would be a dream come true, but I don't want to be greedy.

P.S. Regular articles will resume shortly, I just had nothing else to write xD

Monday, November 23, 2009

Recent News

No articles today. I just wanted to update people on what is happening with me and my team.

Well recently, the team has decided to film some duels, so we can post them online. This is some exciting stuff. I can finally see how I play and get criticized for it too xD. We are currently having some camera problems and Steve will be out of commission for a while. So we will start setting up soon. The team's youtube page is TeamMetronome1.

I also have some news on my deck. Woo is it ever better than I thought. Here is the decklist:

Monsters: 19
3x Armageddon Knight
3x Necro Gardna
3x Caius the Shadow Monarch
1x Plaguespreader Zombie
1x Blackwing - Gale the whirlwind
2x Goblin Zombie
2x Mezuki
1x Spirit Reaper
1x Dark Armed Dragon
1x Gorz
1x Morphing Jar
1x Mystic Tomato

Spells: 15
2x Lightning Vortex
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Brain Control
1x Book of Moon
1x Instant Fusion
1x Reinforcement of the Army
2x Foolish Burial
3x Burial from a Different Dimension
2x Allure of Darkness

Traps: 6
1x Mirror Force
1x Divine Wrath
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Trap Dustshoot
2x Bottomless Trap Hole

Side and Extra Change depending on meta I am facing.

I can't really explain how it works, but once we start filming our matches, you can see how this deck can run.

P.S. I encourage all members of Team Metronome, to post their own decklists up, so people can see what we run.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sunday Tourney Report

Another good day for Yugioh. I started off the day by arriving at Myth games way to early. Oh well. As the time past, more people started to come and new faces appeared. When Steve showed up, I quickly asked for his burials. I wanted to play my necro gardna control. I had everything, besides 2 mezuki. Though Jason was nice enough to lend me one, thus I replace the other missing mezuki with a D.D. crow. Albert and Victor couldn't make it today due to their Wushu. Oh well, 2 less decks to beat.

*Note: I don't remember all the players names, so when I do I will edit this for accuracy.

Match 1
(Forgot name) Dimensional chaos
Game 1
I won dice roll
D.D. Warrior Lady kept on removing my monsters, dang it. He than over extends and bring out dimensional alchemist and chaos sorcerer, but I torrential. Leaving me with an open field for game.
Game 2
Wow this was so B.S. I had him at 400 and I was at 1400. He tops lightning vortex. I scoop. This is like the 4th match in 2 days, that I got lightning vortex for game.
Game 3
He overextends which leads me to a quick finish.

Match 2
(Name Here, I want to say Dillon) Blackwings
He wins dice roll
Game 1
Very back and forth. But he misplays which leaves me open to a crucial poke (I discarded his Gorz with my Reaper of the nightmare).
He does get greedy and decides to summon another Sirroco which I answered with Torrential. I get my chance to swarm the field and I gamed it the turn after he got torrential
Game 2
Wow I hate blizzard. He had answers most of my plays. And always ended up using blizzard. Eventually he dropped DaD and I scooped.
Game 3
Long game. He Sirrocos a lot and gains a lot of pluses. I soon find myself with 1 Colossal Fighter, 1 stardust and Revived King Ha Des on my side. He shura with double whirlwind. He brings out Gale and Bora. He misplays and halves colossal. He decides to attack stardust and I negate with Necro. He than attacks my colossal with shura. He proceeds to Synchro into Goyo. And he also synchros into Gaia knight. I attack Goyo than his Gaia and Stardust and Revived King finish him off. Funny moment of the game was someone calling me a dark signer, I didn't fully realize till the next match.

Match 3
Steve (you bastard xD) Blackwings
He wins dice roll
Game 1
Stalled for a long time with necro gardnas. But I could only stall for so long. He eventually did game it.
Game 2
He draws all his sides. All of them. I draw none. You get the point. Kycoo is my worst enemy. I manage to kill one, but he summons another. I facepalm.

Match 4
(Again I don't know his name, but not "Dillon") Blackwings
Game 1
He over extends and walks into my mirror force. He had no outs so I gamed it.
Game 2
Again he over extends and I lightning vortex. Game soon followed

Top 4
Me vs (Dillon?) Blackwings
Game 1
I set my morphing jar. He didn't attack. So I flip and he ended drawing all his spell and traps. I slowly poke him to death.
Game 2
I wasn't that low on life, but than he Siroccos with double whirlwind and proceeds to double special summon bora and pump and drops 1 kalut into my defense position mezuki. I had no back row.
Game 3
Wow this game was amusing to say the least. He proceeds to Sirocco and summons bora and end turns. I brain control his Sirroco and begin to special summon gale. I pump Sirroco and attack his bora (I misplayed and didn't halve his bora). I synchro into Colossal and summon Armageddon knight and pitch necro gardna. He doesn't get his outs and I win.

Top 2
Me vs (umm someone else I don't know) GigaVise
Game 1
He has few monsters and has a hand full of supervise. So I game it quickly.
Game 2
He has a chance to beat me, but I MST his D.D.R. Leaving him only one Gigaplant on the field. I soon Synchro into Revived King and attack over for 50 and attack directly with goblin zombie for game.

So I win the tourney. Not bad, certainly with a deck that only had one mezuki. I got a super samnite in my 2 packs and witness 2 other people pull doomcalibur knights. Sad moment, but at least I got a super.

And some of you might have been wondering what happened to Steve. Well he got into Top 4 with a 4-0 record, but he lost his match to Gigavise. Gigavise deck topped a brain control for a 2nd game win and during the 3rd game, the Gigavise deck was low on life, but managed to swarm the field to win that turn. Thank Goodness he didn't do that to me. Also Steve pulled junk from his turbo pack (Only top 4 player that didn't pull a super or higher).

We later went to a nearby Taco bell. Marlon showed up and lent me the final Mezuki I needed. I play tested my deck against Steve again. Wow did it ever make a difference. Needless to say, I won the majority of our playtesting. We also tried to build Kevin Slapnik's version of DHZ. Between me, Marlon and Steve, we had no clue how this deck works.

All in all, it was a great day. I got an ultimate black rose, some jank for more jank. Also a super samnite. Kinda bummed that I didn't get one of those doomcaliburs. Though it was good to see Steve pull nothing (that's for being cocky Steve).

My decklist will be posted up eventually.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Gauntlet

Well this idea of the gauntlet has recently come up. It seems like more and more people wish to go through this gauntlet. I will explain what the gauntlet is.

Well as some of you may know, I am part of Team Metronome
We started off with 4 members, it was me, Victor, Albert and Nathan. We have since expanded the group to contain people like Steve, Marlon and Mark. Now I can explain what this mysterious gauntlet is.

There are prerequisites to join our team. To become a junior member, you must beat 4 member of the team (you may choose who to face). And you must beat them all without losing a match. If you do, you would have to start over. Than there is our normal members, it is exactly the same as junior members, but you we get to choose who you face and what the order is. Thus this is known as the gauntlet. They are aloud to side, though the team is still debating on whether we are aloud to side.

I know this sounds ridiculous, but who cares. It makes the entry into our team just a little bit harder. Steve, Marlon and Mark have became honorary members because they have proved on multiple occasions that they can beat all of us in the gauntlet.

Apparently there is elite members or something. I have no clue what that is about. Nathan was talking about it one day. I am apparently one of these members.

I have come to realize that no one really wants to face me in the gauntlet and sigh in agony when they have to play me. I have no clue why not. I am not that good, I misplay constantly. It just make sense that people would want to face me. People have told me that I have a fairly consistent way of playing and when I play seriously and not casually, I can crush my opponent. That was all new news to me. Maybe it is true, maybe I just focus on what I do wrong and not what I do correctly, but I don't think so.

And so recently more and more people have been asking to go through the gauntlet. Mostly as junior members. They haven't been having much success. They often fret after beating one of the members. So it results in major misplays in their next match. The junior members have yet to realize that they can make the hardest members first, so it gets easier as it progresses and thus have a smaller chance of losing future matches.

I personally feel they should receive something more than just being able to join the team. But again, its up for debate if we should include anything extra.

The Gauntlet might be ridiculously hard (or easy if you are just that good), but it allows people who join, have a sense for how each team member plays. It also allows for the person to have a feel for the current meta if they don't already know (The team includes all decks that are in the current top meta). It also allows the person cope under pressure. Thus it allows for better players later on.

Saturaday Tourney Report

Started the day off pretty good with some few hiccups along the way like Shahid didn't show up to come with me to Trilogy. So I had to leave (which was around 10:30). It took me an hour to get there and I barely made the tourney, but I did. I ran Synchro Cat

Match 1 Mike (Beat Down)
Game 1
I win dice roll, set trap dustshoot, mirror and tomato. His turn I activated trap dustshoot to rid him of his only not tribute monster. He ended and it went down hill for him from there.
Game 2
I was able to grab is Kycoo with brain control and summoned rescue cat, he lost his hand. Game soon followed.

Match 2 Cody (light zombies)
Game 1
He wins dice roll
A fairly back and forth type of game. I kept topdecking godly, but my luck soon ran out, when he lightning vortexed.
Game 2
I sided and I drew all of them. It was a very depressing moment. Soon though I had advantage, when I topped a heavy storm and proceed to drop DAD, but he lightning vortexed again for game.

Match 3 Albert (macro)
Game 1
He wins dice roll and starts to set his back field with and activates D Fissure. I soon heavy and got my chance to activate my rescue cat effect. Eventually he was down to 400. He was left to top decking. He found a way out of my swarm of monsters. And he started to slowly poke me. Than he got greedy, he bounced my Airbellum with grand mole and summon reaper. I activate wobuku. Thus I proceed to win.
Game 2
Sided Imperial Iron Walls. Didnt see any during the match. I first turn sacroed for a Heavy. When I was able to use it, he Dark Bribed. I drew another sarco and used it to find trunade. I soon gamed it.

Match 4 Matt (dark world)
I won dice roll
Game 1
He had answers to all my plays, I later scooped when he had 3 Golds.
Game 2
I had oppression out and was able to stop him dead in his tracks. I than was able to trunade my oppression and get out Flamvell Uruguqizas and kept piercing for game.

Game 3
Oppressions came late, but I had him wasting his resources when I Sacroed for Dad. Though he soon misplays and torrentials my field. Leaving me with 3 darks. I play Dad and he scoops.

Top 8
Me vs Samson (zombiesworn)\
He won dice roll
Game 1
Absolutely brutal, he swarmed me way faster than I expected and soon lost to a field of Zombie Master, Stardust, Revived King and a Lyla.
Game 2
Drew horrible, hand full of spells, but than came summoner monk. I quickly started synchroing before he could beat me to it, set my imperial iron wall and mirror force. He than started his massive swarming, but it failed due to imperial iron wall, he scoops next turn when I heavy.
Game 3
He knew the rhythm that this duel was gonna be in. Thus he started with massive swarming and soon had a massive field presence. My only out that turn was Lightning vortex, he solemned it and I began to scoop.

All in all it wasn't a bad day. I didn't get turbo packs though. But I did get store credit. Bought some sleeves that I needed.

Not much trading went on either except I traded for a lyla and got a salvo for free.
I am on the look out for a Dark Simorgh. Such a good tech to my gladwings deck.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Playing better

It has been only about 7 or so months ago when I started yugioh. And damn is this serious business. I had a lot of misconceptions about playing. How to play and how easy it was. The game has turned out to be a lot more difficult than I had imagined, but everyday I constantly strive to get better. Here is what I do to get better (though I am pretty sure everyone does);

I run through my deck
Not just once or twice, but like a million times. I have memorized every card in my deck and what situation can arise.

I playtest with sides
Very underrated. Siding is more important if not as important as the main deck. This could turn game 1 loss, to a game 2 and 3 match win. Though I don't usually side in when I play casually against friends.

Read up on latest news
I try to follow what is current in today's Meta, what changes and release that will affect the game.

Play slowly
Being able to think your moves through before swarming the field with monsters and synchros is crucial. You don't want to be greedy and leave yourself open to your opponents’ godly top deck. Though I am still working on this, I have significantly slowed down my pace from when I started. And thus, I have started to think about every play and about all my opponents’ outs.

Play Play Play
Even playing alone is more beneficial than not playing. Find someone and playtest. You never know how well your deck would do, if you never played it against anyone.

Read Rulings
You don't want to be that guy who says, "What's priority?" Or says "I thought you can oppression Gorz". It also lets you understand your cards better and it allows you to get a better sense of why this card is ran and how it is ran.

This is only a portion of what I do, but these are probably the most beneficial to me. Trust me, I do everything from read blogs, to forums, watch videos and even write blogs.....

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Konami has been doing a great job when it took over Yugioh from UDE. They have established a lot of things in such a short period. They are definitely doing a lot more good than harm. Bringing Duel Terminals, better Special Editions and now even sleeves and binders. I hope that the they continue to do a good job. One day all of our cards will be accessible as they are in the OCG. Thus creating more players and eventually a better overall experience.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Possible Side Deck Cards

Finding good a side deck is crucial. But often it's the hardest part. Here are some cards that I side against in my local meta. (I assume you know all these cards, if not just visit the yugioh.wikia.com site for card info)

Blackwing, Sirroco the Dawn
Blackwing are one of those decks that can still otk in this format. They swarm and pump and drop kaluts and in a matter of seconds it is all over. So by using this card you can use there massive field presence against them. Just pump attack. They will be forced to drop Kaluts.

Jujitsu Master
A fun card, that make sures that if Gladiator Beast or Shuras get return and those cards don't receive their pluses.

Soul Release
Removing from play 5 monsters from a Lightsworn deck can prove fatal to the Lightsworn user. It can be be even fatal by using it against zombies, by removing their plagues, Mezukis and so on. They will be forced to used their burials earlier than expected. The only problem that this card has, is that it is not fast enough to be a big enough treat. If only this card was a Quick Play.

Lightsworn mill like there is no tomorrow. And when they can, they drop JD, and finish you off. By running scapegoats, you have a chance of staying alive after JD hits. They would have to either sacrifice 1000 life points again or just keep milling 4 cards a turn. And if they think that paying life points to get rid of 4 tokens is to much, you can punish them with synchroing. Though this is definatley not meant to go against BW, EVA.

Royal Decree
Effectively stops any GB decks and Skill Drain/Oppression Decks and the odd chain burn. It also gets rid of pesky Bottomless, that get in the way of you setting up your final attack.

Nobleman of Extermination
If you hit a War Chariot or Waboku GBs are as good as gone. And it can also be used to hit skill drain and oppressions.

D.D. Crow
Nothing much to say, good card and is almost staple in every side deck.

Fairy Wind
Oppression/Skill Drain hate. Plus it burns them in the process.

Imperial Iron Wall
In my eyes, this is a very underrated side. It stops zombies, vayu turbo, macro and any deck the runs Sacros. It also stops their BTH.

Lightning Vortex
If this isn't already mained than you can definitely side this card in. It effectively gets rid of dead cards in hand and get rid of the fast swarming abilities of lightsworn, zombies and blackwings. Which the last time I checked, these decks are top tier.

This is some of my side that I feel can help people improve. Though I do change my side a lot, these cards are the ones I rarely feel like I need to take out of my side.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Siding Synchros

Siding Synchros is now legal. Jeff Jones has confirmed it with Kevin Tewarts at C-Bus. Pretty neat stuff. Now I can side that other Iron Chain Dragon that I have been wanting to bust out.

Past, Present and Future Deck Ideas

Well there is a bunch of decks I have been eagerly awaiting to try out. Beginning with my newly made Charge Sabers or Sworn Sabers.

The deck is very aggressive, and there isn't any other way to play it.
Play testing this beast of a deck was fantastic.
My hand can go from terrible to fantastic from just one Charge or Recharge.
The only problem I have encountered is Catastor, but Ryko often gets rid of it.

I also have my newly made Necro Gardna Control deck.
This deck, unlike the Charge Sabers, is very control. This definitely has the late game in mind.
I have yet to fully grasp how to effectively use this deck.
The deck does start of slow, but it can explode in any instant and return back to its control with no loss in advantage.

I also have a flamvellsworn in the works. There is a lot of debate between me and my teammates of how we should build it. There is the Charge/Recharge/Lyla/Ryko build or the full lightsworn build w/ some added flamvells.
Both have their pros and cons

Charge/Recharge/Lyla/Ryko build
Might have a more consistency to it
though it also might mill rekindling which defeats the whole purpose of the deck
thus another engine could be added i.e. Sarcos

Full Lightsworn build
Very fast paced
If you mill rekindling than their is always the other win condition
Though their is a big chance of deck out and it's significantly more expensive to get JDs.

I also have my Gladwingz
They ran pretty well, consistency of the deck was a lot better than I was expecting.
Teched cards like swallows nest actually won games.
Though the overall deck just had something missing. It was missing that one card that could make this deck explosive and top tier.
The closest I have gotten was the addition of swallows nest.
I have long since taken the deck apart, but when a card comes to mind that would make this deck broken, of course I am going to rebuild it (hmmm Dark Simorgh).

I have also made a perfect circle deck, which top a couple locals at the beginning of the format.
I have long since taken that apart because of the lack of speed associated with it. It fails to achieve the necessary speed to compete with Blackwings, Lightsworn and Zombies. The control aspect of the deck is amazing. The point where it is at fault is the tribute fodder and keeping them alive. With the speed of the other decks, most tribute fodder just become food for the other decks to feed off of. Like treeborn which instantly gives blackwings pluses when shura is on the field. Though once this deck gets you into a Raiza/Pwwb lock, it is as good as over.

Then we have my old favorite, empty jar.
This was probably the most fun deck I had ever played. The game outcome was literally dependent on how my hand was and if I were to go first or second. The relative speed of the deck was as fast you could get. I even brought it to a regionals. Though the outcome wasn't so good. (Arggg how I hate cold wave).

Now my first deck, Zombie World Zombies.
I love this deck. The swarming ability of it was outrageous. But the deck was still so vulnerable to things like bottomless or torrential. When I played this deck, I always played greedy. And my opponent would either torrential my last summon or I run into mirror force. This deck does bring me memories though. Bad and good.

It is time for my current deck. Synchro Cat Control/ Arcanite Beat.
This was a transformation of my old synchro cat (before dsf banlist) into the new meta. The limiting of both Rescue cat and summoner monk hurt this deck type. So I had to adjust my deck accordingly. Instead my old OTK deck, I have reverted back into my old control variant (before I owned any DSFs). Teching cards like creature swaps was a true stroke of genius. I would like to thank the person who came up with that concept on destroying opponents backrow with arcanite and then swaping your arcanite for their monster.
My variant can handle it's own against many of the top tier decks, though I seem to have trouble with the tier 3 and lower decks. Probably because my side is meant for the meta.
I have also had some troubles with the consistency, but with the audition of another Gold Sarco and a teched kycoo, the deck is starting to stabilize again.

Well their is a rundown of my decks that I have and will make. Though their are a ton more I also want to try like Tragoinsects, Fish Otk, Batteryman Otk, Six Samurai, Rescue Moja, Zombie sworn, Necroface Control, and a super duper lawls deck I have been developing, which works pretty well. I will start writing articles later, this was just some info on the decks I have made. See ya next time

-I ♥ Rescue Cat

First Post

Well starting a new yugioh blog. Got kinda bored.
Will post soon!